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发布日期:2025-01-04 11:25    点击次数:194
《道德经(汉英对照)》(Laws Divine and Human) 作者:许渊冲 出版社:中华书局五洲传播出版社;第2版(2018年1月1日) ISBN:9787508538945 馆长推荐: 《道德经》包括《道经》和《德经》两部分,被认为是中国历史上首部完整的哲学著作。区区五千言共分八十一章涵盖了宇宙观、人生论、政治观、知识论、方法论。“道法自然”、“上善若水”、“大音希声”等大家耳熟能详的成语,“治大国如烹小鲜”、“千里之行,始于足下”、“夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争”等至理名言,无不源自《道德经》。据联合国教科文组织统计,《道德经》是除《圣经》外被译成外国文字发行量最多的文化名著。 ?阅读《道德经》,学习辩证思维方式和合道而行的智慧,让我们在基本物质需求得到满足之时不断充实和拓展精神空间、创造自我价值实现的积极生活、创造具有超越性精神追求的美好生活。阅读经典,在中华传统文化浸润和熏陶中,自觉培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。 Tao-teChing CHINESE LITERATURE WRITTEN BY: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica LAST UPDATED: Apr 11, 2019 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Tao-te-Ching Tao-teChing, it had previously been called Laozi in the belief that it was written by Laozi, identified by the historian SimaQian as a 6th-century-BCE curator of the imperial Chinese archives. The popularity of the Tao-teChing is reflected in the vast number of commentaries that have been written: over 350 have been preserved in Chinese and about 250 in Japanese. Since 1900 more than 40 translations have appeared in English. The Dao of the Tao-teChing has received a wide variety of interpretations because of its elusiveness and mystical overtones, and it has been a basic concept in both philosophy and religion. In essence, it implies spontaneity, noninterference, letting things take their natural course:“Do nothing and everything is done.”Chaos ceases, quarrels end, and self-righteous feuding disappears because the Dao is allowed to flow unchallenged and unchallenging. Everything that is comes from the inexhaustible, effortless, invisible, and inaudible Way, which existed before heaven and earth. By instilling in the populace the principle of Dao, the ruler precludes all cause for complaint and presides over a kingdom of great tranquillity. 索书号:H319.4:B/LZ2.1=2 馆藏地点:新馆、本部四楼书库 详细信息:?BookRecno=1453853

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